
A Musical Journey 

Born in Atlanta and growing up in the mountains of Northeast Georgia, Jenny discovered her love of music through the Foxfire music program. Already a strong singer her teacher George Reynolds encouraged Jenny to pick up an instrument. About halfway through high school she added new wave and punk to her musical interests. With the help and support of George she expanded her musical knowledge. She also landed a part in the movie "Foxfire" starring John Denver.   

After high school she hit the road to roam the country honing her skills.  She went to every bluegrass festival she could find from North Carolina and New York in the east to California and Colorado in the west. 

In the winter of 95 on her first night of moving to Portland, Maine she went to an open mic at the Free Street Taverna. It was there she met Haakon Kallweit, who introduced her to the burgeoning music scene. She started singing with Diesel Doug and The Long Haul Truckers and doing some of Diesel’s original songs in her own style. Pip Walter was a member of the band and they'd rehearse at his clubhouse. She loved hanging out at the clubhouse and would go there to practice and work on new original songs. Striking out on her own she met Tom Jacques and she formed a trio with herself on guitar, Tom on bass and Jason Stewart on drums. This would go on to be the beginning of The Jerks of Grass sans the drums. Whereas Pip and Hawk would form The Piners with Boo Cowie. 

Combining her bluegrass and punk influences she started penning original songs that led to her forming a new band Jenny jumpstart and the Cap Guns and recording her debut album. 

Fast forward to today Jenny remembers and embraces her roots, but also looks to the future to share her love of music with old friends and new and hopes to meet you somewhere down the road! 

